Once your baby has tried many different foods, mothers and fathers should arrange a daily complementary food mix so that your baby gets a balanced daily intake of nutrients.
Fruits and vegetables: Vegetables and fruits should make up half of the daily food intake, with as many vegetable groups given as possible.
Cereals: Cereals should make up 1/4 of the total food intake, preferably coarse grains, and do not feed a single cereal for a long time; for example, rice may be contaminated with arsenic, from time to time replace it with other cereals such as millet, wheat, buckwheat, oats, etc., so that you are less likely to have some kind of contamination over the limit.
Protein: Meat, seafood and other proteins should make up 1/4 of the total.
Dairy products: Do not replace breast milk or infant formula with milk under the age of 1. Milk is not as nutritionally balanced as breast milk or formula.
Image from choosemyplate.gov, copyright of the original author